




Excerpt from Michael Kohlhaas


Linked here is an excerpt of a live performance I'm particularly proud of: the Danish National Opera's revival of Paul von Klenau's Michael Kohlhaas, a work of particular historical interest that had not been performed since its premiere in 1933.

Considered the first opera to make use of twelve-tone techniques, it still swims in gorgeous late-romantic sweep, drama and lyricism.

Here, Michael finds his wife Lisbeth close to death after her failed attempt to finally achieve justice for him by peaceful means.  She tells him what befell her, and dies in his arms.



My biography will tell you the details of my training and work history.  I'm proud of the work that I've done and the amazing artists I've been fortunate enough to work with, and I hope you'll read that too . But these are the reasons I sing, what drives me.

Teamwork. Commitment. 

My early training – both formally at conservatory and informally at places like the College Light Opera Company, an insanely intesive summer theatre producing nine shows every summer – showed me the importance of placing my core values of preparation, discipline and collaboration ahead of ego or self-promotion.  Not just because it's the right thing to do – It's also lots more fun that way.

Communication. Passion.

From my first years, before I ever began to sing, I loved words.  Words – languages – are still in some ways my first love, because they are the vehicle that connects me to the music I perform and the audiences I seek to reach.  Opera may not always feature the most elegant or profound texts, but finding the truth of them in the lyric and dramatic expression of the moment is what keeps me coming back.  I'm a lucky gal.